Corenelius Residence
Plaridel, Bulacan
The Project: Corenelius Residence is a two-storey six bedroom home and a representation of a person's journey and devotion to attain his goal.
Every success story starts with a single dream, driven by motivation, transforming into reality through unwavering determination. This is what inspired our team to help fulfill our client's idea of dedicating his lifelong dream house to his beloved family.

The Project: Corenelius Residence is situated on three combined lots in Plaridel, Bulacan. It comprises a three car garage, six bedrooms, and an entertainment lounge with swimming pool exclusive to the owners and their esteemed guests.
The design consists of three major elements. Stone, together with concrete, represents firm architecture and its integrity. Series of full length glass shall serve as means of observing beauty in endless variations. Vertical wood slats are incorporated to create a cohesive design aesthetic, completing the structure's overall character.

One of the key features of this project is its flexibility through the use of open space planning. Proper utilization and integration of spaces correlating to one another creates a better flow and functionality within the structure. One application of this was the separation of the private areas, such as bedrooms, from the public ones. Open planning also allows natural sunlight to penetrate most of the interiors, a helpful way of conserving energy.